About Us

Our Vision - A community embracing and living out God's redemptive plan

Our Mission

To bring people into a living relationship with Christ by equipping them to BELIEVE in Jesus, BELONG to God’s family, and BLESS every neighbour.


To challenge and equip each person to grow spiritually on the foundational truth of God’s word so that people can enter into a living relationship with Jesus and each other.


To intentionally develop and strengthen people’s sense of connection to Hope Fellowship through participation in life groups and ministries while creating a culture where no one does life alone.


To encourage and help each other model Jesus by building relationships with our neighbours, sharing our facilities with the community and meeting needs in Courtice and beyond.

Our Leadership

Hope runs on the gifts, talents, passion and experience of our strong and energetic membership.

Vision Leadership Board (VLB)

Working to see our community embrace and live out God’s redemptive plan

The Vision Leadership Board at Hope is made up of Elders with the gifts and passion for seeing our community embrace and live out God’s redemptive plan right here in Durham Region. The Vision Leadership Board acts like a board of directors, and are responsible for the preaching of the word, and the stewardship of the community of believers they represent.

Pastoral Care Elders

Hope’s pastoral care ministry is wise, patient and caring

Overseeing the spiritual and emotional needs of the church. With compassion for everyone, ensuring no member of Hope Fellowship does life alone.

At Hope we recognize the importance of “connecting” in life. Pastoral Care shows itself in many ways; through prayer, a house visit or other resources. We believe that pastoral care happens best in smaller group communities so we promote a church community of Life Groups, encouraging all members to be connected in some way whether through a study group or an interest group.


Compassion and Encouragement are our foundation

Empowering the members of Hope’s congregation and partnering with neighbouring churches, Christian services, and local social agencies. Diaconal Ministry focuses on:

  1. Compassion for all – Deacons model and demonstrate compassion to those who are hurting with words of hope and actions for encouragement.
  2. Community ministry – Deacons model and encourage the congregation to be engaged in community ministry within their local communities.
  3. Authentic stewardship – Deacons encourage church members to be stewards of God’s creation and to practice authentic stewardship with their time, talents, and money.
  4. Justice for all – Deacons model and encourage the congregation to be advocates for and with the marginalized and vulnerable people in their own local community.

Our Staff


Pastor of Worship


Teaching Pastor

Ryan Nirula

Director of Clarington Youth


Children's Ministry Coordinator


Property Rental Administrator


Office Administrator



Membership & Affiliations

Hope Fellowship is a small part in a much larger picture.


We are members of the Christian Reformed Church, which includes just over one thousand congregations across the United States and Canada. You can explore what it means to be a Christian, and what it means to be Reformed on the CRCNA website.

Denominational Links

Resources designed to keep you connected to the broader church.

Christian Reformed Church in North America

There’s a new way to connect with others in the CRC about church ministries. You can ask questions, share experiences, get resources, read blogs, and more. It’s called The Network and it covers dozens of ministry areas and roles.

The Banner

Published monthly by the Christian Reformed Church in North America. The Banner magazine shows how the Christian faith in its Reformed expression makes sense for today’s world. We hope you’ll find our articles—from news to features to review—lively, informative, inspiring, and challenging.

Back to God Ministries International: ReFrame Ministries

BTGMI’s new English language ministry.  Through an expanding family of audio, video, print and Internet programming streams, ReFrame Media shows how God reveals, revives, and renews.  When people discover God’s story in their live, their world is reframed within the Gospel perspective.  ReFrame Media’s eight unique ministry resources reach people of all ages in various stages of their faith journey.  Whether you are meeting Jesus for the first time, looking for ways to grow in faith, or desiring to disciple others, these resources can meet your needs and those of your church, friends, and family.

Kids Corner

is the English language children’s media ministry of the The Back to God Hour. Geared for children age 6—12, the weekly half-hour radio program and web site teach in a contemporary way, the wisdom and the truth of God to the issues and challenges that affect a child’s life. Through audio drama and web resources, children are not only entertained, but are helped to develop an interest in the Bible and in becoming followers of Jesus.  Our Mission: To present the Christian message to kids and their families in an entertaining way that promotes biblical literacy and understanding of the gospel, and calls for a response of faith and obedience.

Ministry to Seafarer's

The Ministry to Seafarers (M2S) is dedicated to caring for the needs of seafarers visiting the port of Montreal. Their mission is to share Jesus’ love by being an advocate for seafarers, and providing them a safe, relaxing place that they can call their home away from home.


Hearts Exchanged is a learning and action journey designed to equip Reformed Christians to engage with Indigenous people as neighbours and fellow image bearers.