Children Programs

Nursery 0-3
Nursery 0-3

We offer loving and attentive care during our worship service to children from birth to age 3 (pre-JK). The nursery is staffed by volunteers ready to care for your little ones while you are in the service.

Hope Kids

We encourage kids of all ages to dance, sing and pray with us during the opening worship part of the service, after which kids from JK to grade 3 are invited to head out to their own time of learning and worship.


GEMS, for girls from grades 3-8, is a place to belong, and at club girls are welcomed into a vibrant community of mentors and peers who genuinely care about them. GEMS is an exciting, safe environment for girls to learn about God, His Word, and His world. Girls in club are organized into small groups with one leader (counselor) for every six to eight girls. GEMS Girls’ Club meets on Thursday evenings from 7-8:30.


Cadets, for boys from grades 3-8, is a club for boys to explore their faith and the world around them through a community of mentors and peers. The cadet ministry encourages experiencing the presence of the Lord in his glorious creation. In learning the skills of an outdoorsman and studying the Bible as a guide to life, boys build character and develop an understanding of their place in the world as faithful stewards. Cadets Boys’ Club meets on Thursdays from 7-8:30.

HOPE Junior Youth
HOPE Junior Youth

Twice a month our Grades 4-6 students meet during the morning service and are led in a bible lesson which includes engaging video lessons and small group discussion time.  Hope Junior Youth meets on the first and third Sunday of the month.

Safe Church

Having a policy for our church is one of the most loving things we as a community can do. A Safe Church policy is a safe guard which reduces the risk of abuse while helping:


  • Ensure the safety of every person made in the image of God
  • Honour and protect those who are most vulnerable among us
  • Create a nurturing environment to worship and grow in faith


For more information on how we protect our church click the Safe Church Policy link above