
Your donation provides Hope Fellowship with the necessary resources to live out the vision and mission of the church both here in Courtice, Ontario and by supporting missional ministries that have a global reach. We also schedule weekly offerings for causes and organizations that serve locally and globally like GATE 3:16, the Refuge, the Hope/Zion foodbank, Disaster Relief, and our missionaries.

As a registered charity in Canada (889913521 RR 0001), every donation is tax deductible. We issue receipts annually which can be used to offset income tax. For more information reach out to our church office or email


Interac e-Transfer is a cost-effective way to donate and is our preferred method for electronic donations.

Send your e-Transfer to: (don't forget both s's - if you are prompted to enter a password, the address is not correct)

Please indicate the cause that you are supporting in the Message section. If a cause is not included, the funds will be directed to Hope Ministries/Budget.

All donations will be recorded in our Planning Center software for year-end receipts so please also indicate your Envelope Number (if known) or the name of the person in Planning Center that you want to associate the donation with (if it's not the person sending the e-Transfer). The Counting Committee may get in touch by email if this isn't clear.

Pre-Authorized Debit (HopePAD)

If you would prefer to have your donations to Hope Ministries be automatically withdrawn from your bank account, without the need to send it each time, consider setting up a HopePAD. This is a low cost way to give and allows the church to plan for consistent donations throughout the year. Please note that donations to weekly causes cannot use HopePAD.

Please complete the HopePAD form (link below) and drop off at the church or email to

Online Giving

Hope Fellowship uses software called Planning Center to manage our donations and this allows us to accept donations using credit or debit cards. These donations can be made on our website, via the Church Center app.

Please be aware that there is a cost to the church (around 2.5%) for any donation made using a credit or debit card. You will, however, receive a donation receipt for the full amount donated. If this is a concern to you, please consider using an e-Transfer instead.

For more information, please see the link below:

Offering Envelopes

You are always welcome to donate using cash or cheque by putting your donation in a Blue or White envelope and placing it in the offering on Sunday. If you're not able to attend on Sunday, you can drop your donation off at the church during business hours and it will be forwarded to the Counting Committee.

The Blue envelope can be used for donations to Hope Fellowship's Ministries/Budget and the White envelope can be used for the weekly cause, the Building Fund or other causes. Don't worry, any envelope will do however we do ask that you indicate your Envelope Number (if known) or your name, so your donation can be recorded for year-end tax receipts.